Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Thing 18: One Student Thing: SmartBoards

Yesterday a Smartboard rolled into my classroom. Our school has 10 new smartboards this year and I was not chosen as one of the lucky teacher who recieved one. However, one of the lucky teachers did not utilize it very well, and after listening to the students yell "Give it to Ms. Rekonen!" all year, we finally arranged for it to be in my classroom. I didn't even mind that I didn't have one except that I found it irritating to listen to the students constantly say "Why didn't YOU get a Smartboard?!??" I often told them that I didn't need one. What would I use it for? Well, there answer to me was "everything!". The students informed me that a smartboard in the classroom would be VERY useful. I could project maps on whim, I could show video on something other than the television way off in the corner, I could show them websites and photos, I could use it like a whiteboard to write Cornell Notes...I could do everything! Every time I roll out the creaky old overhead projector I certainly "hear it". The students are definitley excited about all of Humboldt's Smartboards, and now I am, too.

Now, if I can just get the computer guy in here to install the software....

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